Composite Engineering Services

Clock Spring® is an economical repair alternative for pipelines. Clock Spring’s patented design re-defines the economics of pipeline repair, ensuring a permanent repair that is safe, economical, and effective. The Clock Spring® pipe repair system is a high-strength corrosion-resistant e-glass and resin composite sleeve, a high-performance adhesive, and high-strength filler material. Clock Spring repairs are fast, economical, safe, and easy. Since no cutting or welding is required, there is no risk to the pipeline or the environment, no release of greenhouse gases, or waste disposal issues.


The Clock Spring® pipe repair system is a high-strength corrosion-resistant e-glass and resin composite sleeve, a high-performance adhesive, and high-strength filler material. Clock Spring repairs are fast, economical, safe.

The flexible repair technique allows materials to be tailored on-site to enable the repair of complex geometrical shapes. The CSC can provide protection from external corrosion and can seal leaking defects.
The Leak Stopper™ is ideal for oil and gas pipelines, refineries and petrochemical plants, and municipal water and gas distribution lines, replacing costly and cumbersome bolt-on products and clamps.
Pipe Support provides effective protection at support or hang locations and can be applied quickly and easily. The composite sleeve forms a wear surface to protect the pipe from wear and corrosion.
The Snap Wrap repair is comprised of multiple layers of a composite split-sleeve, Snap Wrap can be used to permanently repair external blunt defects with a depth of less than 90% of the nominal wall thickness.
Specialty coatings include those designed for standard temperatures, medium to high temperatures, irregular shapes, and unique application conditions. Liquid epoxy, urethane, and polyurea are the sources of our solutions.
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